Audio and Video

• February 23, 2025

• October 19, 2023: 7 Points Press Launch & Poetry Reading


  • March 15, 2019: Nancy and Russ Thorburn Interview, WHFR Radio, “The Journal”

  • February 4, 2019, “Interview with Henry Ford College Mirror News

This interview occurred after a reading/presentation which I gave to students at the college.  The talk, “What Would My Ancestors Say?” addressed my process from researching and writing my memoir, Searching for Nannie B, to the writing of poems related to my ancestors.

  • November 27, 2017, “My Heart Wears No Colors:  A Sermon in Poetry.”

This talk was presented at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit. It was my first public reading from my upcoming chapbook of poetry, My Heart Wears No Colors.

  • June 21, 2015:  Book launch for Searching for Nannie B:  Connecting Three Generations of Southern Women.

  • Podcast of WHFR Journal (89.3), Henry Ford College, June 19, 2015

    [Disclaimer: I was Assistant Director of the Hassayampa Institute for Creative Writing from 2005 – 2007. This was not a creative program in a college but an annual conference]

  • “Mary Magdeline, Yoga, and Gnosis”

This talk, given at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit on October 17, 2013, discusses my realization of the connection between my father’s faith, my practice of yoga, and the “Gospel of Mary Magdalene,” one of the Ghostic gospels.

  • “‘To the Rock That is Higher Than I’: the Search for my Primitive Baptist Church.”

    This is a talk given on August 12, 2012, at the First Unitarian Unversalist Church of Detroit. The talk is a combination of personal narrative, memoir, and research. It is the basis of my memoir-in-progress, “Fighting for a Name,” about three generations of women–my grandmother,my mother, and myself.

  • “The Significance of Herstory”

    This talk is by Reverend Roger Mohr, with readings from Nancy Owen Nelson of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit on March 9, 2014.

  •  Nancy Owen Nelson reads from her memoir, Divine Aphasia: a Woman’s Search for the Father.

    This reading is from 2012 at a Springfed Arts event at the Lido Gallery.


Writer. Editor. Teacher.